Intra Class Model & Poster Making Competition

Class 4 Lingua Fun: learn, play, and grow.

The Intra-Class Model Making and Chart Making Competition for Class 4 Lingua Fun (English and Hindi) was held on 22/10/24. The competition was a vibrant demonstration of creativity, innovation, and hard work of students. Under the theme of Language Games, Activities, Charts, the event encouraged participation in English and Hindi, showcasing students' ability to blend educational insights with artistic expression.

The purpose of the competition was not only to foster creativity but to emphasize the importance of language learning through interactive and dynamic methodologies.

Notable entries included:

Interactive Language Board Games and Models:

Students designed board games and models that incorporated vocabulary building, grammar practice, and communication skills in both English and Hindi. Many models featured interactive elements, such as movable parts or live demonstrations, enhancing audience engagement.

Creative Charts:

The chart-making segment showcased impressive effort, deep understanding, and innovative thinking of students in the form of thoughtful display of charts.

The Intra-Class Model Making and Chart Making Competition was an overwhelming success, celebrating students' creativity, innovation, and dedication to language learning.

The judging panel consisting of Mrs. Rajul Tiwari and Ms. Hema Batra, keenly observed all the exhibits and listened to all the participants. They appreciated the efforts of the students and encouraged them with their motivating words.

We extend our gratitude to Principal Ma'am, Mrs Nidhi Chaudhary, who gave students an opportunity to present their talent and innovation. We look forward to more such initiatives in the future!

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