Special Assembly of Class IIB "Cleanliness to Godliness"

Class assembly was presented by class IIB on the theme ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’ on 26.4.2018. Whole class sang the prayer Thank you ‘O’ God for the gift of life . The assembly commenced with  compering by Dishu Rana.The thought of the day was presented by Divyanshu on the theme ‘cleanliness’.The news headlines were presented by Saesha Aggarwal . There was 100 percent participation in the skit based on the theme of the assembly.The skit showcased the prevalent problem of muck all around. It also highlighted the consequences we witness due to it. The students passed a social message through skit that cleanliness is the responsibility of everyone and they need to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of their surroundings and themselves.

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