The Curious Case Of Class X Boards !

Hello everyone

HRD Minister Kapil Sibal seems successful in getting the eyebrows of the sane and the sensible people after as sensitive a issue as making Class X Board Exams 'optional'. And we are at it again...inviting your opinions, comments and suggestions on this very curious case that virtually defines each of our lives. Let's start a word-riot in the comments section, exercising our right of Freedom to Speech in free India and form public opinions.

With a motive of igniting and initiating, we blog down some of the pros and cons of 'abolishing' or making Class X Board Exams 'optional' :

Class X Boards should be abolished because -
1. The surmounting tension is intolerable (Parents are often more stressed out than the children and heap their worries and expectations on their children).

2. Presently, only re-tallying of marks is possible. In cases of students having good track records in school, a grievance redressing system (or simply re-checking) is nowhere to be seen.

3. When marks differ in decimals and when one feel cheated for not getting what one wanted despite achieving great results is unfair on his/her part.

4. Assessing a child on the basis of various scales (of the likes of sports/games, music, art, drama etc.) throughout the year will bear better results (after all, not every child born is necessarily a great academician, he/ she ought to be more than just that- beyond the limits of textbooks).

Class X Boards should not be abolished because -
1. It's a sweet nothing, it will simply postpone the fate (Having to sit for Boards in XII for the first time in a grand mix of career dilemma will only fuel to the rising tension!).

2. Without a standard exam, one doesn't know where he/she stands in this ever-increasing and ever-aspiring population that the mainland of India holds.

3. Appearing for these exams are not traumatic, it's coping with the dearth of opportunities, the fear of 'after-life' post poor results and the scarcity of seats that's traumatic.

4. Replacing percentages with percentiles (marks with grades) will not help a child secure a seat in a certain stream. We need more seats than the percentile system.

Our primary goal is to spread the word and to discuss to achieve constructive results. So, we urge you to bounce some ideas around and hence write as relevantly as you can to support the cause.
Curiously looking forward to a healthy debate here...

(with valuable inputs of new E-members)
CRPF Public School

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