Special Assembly Class 4C


A flourishing life on land is the foundation of our life on the planet. But our activities are degrading it day-by-day.

In order to raise awareness about this alarming concern, the students of class 4C presented an assembly on 30th January 2025.

The assembly began with a soulful prayer by the class singing squad thanking "The Creator of All Forms of Life".

Next up the current happenings from around the world were updated.

An enriching quote shared by a student highlighting the urgency to Take up Sustainable Action,  gave everyone food for thought.

Then a talk was presented which deeply explained the United Nation's 15th SD Goal.

Lastly, a play laid on the fact that we are all a part of the planet's ecosystem but have caused severe damage to it causing land degradation, deforestation, and loss of natural habitat ; was presented and the importance to Conserve the Ecosystem was explained.

Link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mRI4OwdXYtmyISpeBHFT-RZSiUVVPRjo/view?usp=drivesdk

In a nutshell, the event highlighted the message that "Promoting Biodiversity is not a Cause, but the Key of Our Survival" 🌱

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