"Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking is what no one else ever thought."

Social Science Week was conducted from 29th July to 3rd August, 2024.A plethora of activities were organised to harness the best out of our students. Students from classes VI to XII participated with utmost zeal and enthusiasm in different activities.

The Social Science Week started with

QUIZ ON SDG GOALS was conducted on 29th July 2024.The young minds went through a series of rounds of brainstorming and with each House team putting their best foot forward. Quiz helped to recapitulate different SDG goals through the medium of a knowledgeable quiz.


An interhouse competition for designing an innovative business plan was conducted on 2nd August for classes XI and XII. The students presented their ideas in form of a PowerPoint Presentation. All the houses performed well and exhibited their creativity.


 A vibrant Wall Magazine competition was conducted on 2nd August 2024, aiming to inspire creativity, teamwork, and deeper comprehension of Social Science themes among students. Participants enthusiastically crafted visually appealing and informative boards on topic Good Health and Well-being SDG Goal- 3. The competition concluded with a display of all entries, and top teams were appreciated for their outstanding efforts.


An interesting interhouse poster making competition was conducted on 3rd August, 2024.Students of class VI and VII participated in this competition. They exhibited their imagination, creativity and artistic skills to portray SDG goal -13 Climate Action. The works of art of each student had an element of uniqueness and reflected like a kaleidoscope of vivid colours.


AD MAD interhouse competition was conducted on 3rd August, 2024.In this competition our young minds came to present their unique products that exhibited the idea of Affordable clean energy SDG goal-7

Students of class VIII participated with great zeal and enthusiasm promoting their products through catchy jingles and tag lines, product logo and much more endorsing their product. As young mascots students did their best towards a cleaner and better tomorrow.

We whole heartedly thank Principal ma'am for encouraging all and giving us an opportunity to bring out the best in our students.


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