"The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit." - Nelson Henderson

Report on Eco Clubs for Mission Life Day

Date:Saturday, July 27, 2024

On July 27, 2024, the school marked the sixth day of Shiksha Saptah with the celebration of Eco Clubs for Mission Life Day, under the theme "एक पेड़ मां के नाम." This special day focused on environmental conservation and fostering a sense of responsibility towards nature among students and their families.

The highlight of the day was a plantation drive conducted within the school premises. The  Principal, Mrs. NIDHI CHAUDHARY  also enthusiastically participated. The Students, along with their mothers, participated enthusiastically in planting saplings. Each sapling planted was accompanied by a placard displaying the names of the student and their mother, symbolizing the joint effort and commitment to nurturing the environment. The drive not only beautified the school grounds but also served as a powerful reminder of the importance of tree plantation in combating climate change and preserving our environment.

To ensure that the impact of the plantation drive is tracked and shared, geo-tagging of the event was carried out. Photos of the plantation activities were tagged and documented using the DoSEL Google tracker. A link to this tracker will be shared later, allowing everyone to witness the collective effort and progress of the plantation drive.

The Eco Clubs for Mission Life Day was a resounding success, bringing together students and their families in a meaningful activity that underscores the significance of environmental stewardship. The joint efforts of students and their mothers in planting saplings not only contributed to a greener environment but also strengthened the bond between them, fostering a shared sense of responsibility towards the planet.

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