Inclusive Education club has been constituted in the school as per DOE guidelines to ensure equal opportunity to all students in all educational and social activities and to help in minimizing societal and attitudinal barriers faced by Divyang students.

The following activities were conducted in the month of July---

1.Preparation of art and craft items

CWSN along with their buddies enthusiastically participated in preparation of various items which provided them with hands on experience and helped in building upon their strengths.

2.Movie time for inclusive education club members

Supportive collaboration and non discriminative barrier free environment for students was promoted which led to enhancement of inclusive culture in the school.

"The sharing of food is a form of storytelling, a way of building community and creating bonds."

As part of the Shiksha Saptaah (Education Week) celebrations, our school embraced the spirit of community and togetherness by organizing a Tithi Bhojan on Monday, 29th July 2024. This initiative, launched by the Government of India, aims to promote community involvement in schools and foster a sense of ownership among local communities.

The event saw enthusiastic participation from teachers who stayed back to join the hostel students for lunch. The dining hall was abuzz with excitement as teachers and students gathered, ready to share a meal and enjoy each other's company. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, reflecting the true essence of the Tithi Bhojan program.

The lunch commenced with a brief introduction to the Tithi Bhojan initiative, emphasizing its objectives and the importance of community involvement in education. Our Principal addressed the gathering, highlighting how such events strengthen the bond between students and teachers and contribute to a supportive and nurturing educational environment.

As the meal was served, the room filled with lively conversations and laughter. Teachers and students shared stories, discussed their experiences, and built connections beyond the classroom. This informal setting allowed everyone to relax and engage in meaningful interactions, creating a sense of unity and mutual respect.

The menu featured a variety of delicious dishes, prepared with care and love. The students were thrilled to see their teachers participating in the event, and the teachers, in turn, enjoyed the opportunity to connect with their students on a personal level. It was heartwarming to witness the camaraderie and the spirit of sharing that defined the lunch.

The Tithi Bhojan was not just about food; it was about building a community, fostering relationships, and creating a positive and inclusive school culture.

"The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit." - Nelson Henderson

Report on Eco Clubs for Mission Life Day

Date:Saturday, July 27, 2024

On July 27, 2024, the school marked the sixth day of Shiksha Saptah with the celebration of Eco Clubs for Mission Life Day, under the theme "एक पेड़ मां के नाम." This special day focused on environmental conservation and fostering a sense of responsibility towards nature among students and their families.

The highlight of the day was a plantation drive conducted within the school premises. The  Principal, Mrs. NIDHI CHAUDHARY  also enthusiastically participated. The Students, along with their mothers, participated enthusiastically in planting saplings. Each sapling planted was accompanied by a placard displaying the names of the student and their mother, symbolizing the joint effort and commitment to nurturing the environment. The drive not only beautified the school grounds but also served as a powerful reminder of the importance of tree plantation in combating climate change and preserving our environment.

To ensure that the impact of the plantation drive is tracked and shared, geo-tagging of the event was carried out. Photos of the plantation activities were tagged and documented using the DoSEL Google tracker. A link to this tracker will be shared later, allowing everyone to witness the collective effort and progress of the plantation drive.

The Eco Clubs for Mission Life Day was a resounding success, bringing together students and their families in a meaningful activity that underscores the significance of environmental stewardship. The joint efforts of students and their mothers in planting saplings not only contributed to a greener environment but also strengthened the bond between them, fostering a shared sense of responsibility towards the planet.

 "Our flag flies with the last breath of those who died protecting it." - Capt. Vikram Batra

Shaurya House conducted an assembly featuring a choir, Hindi and English poems, and the act 'Peace For All' to honor the martyrs to mark the Kargil Vijay Diwas.

A patriotic dance concluded the event, inspiring students to remember soldiers' sacrifices. Class activities included video screenings and creative projects.

Students presented songs and a talk, while KG students performed a dance. Activities like poster making, drawing, and video screenings further commemorated the day.

"Our soldiers' courage is a beacon of patriotism and resilience."

*"The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways." - Robert Greene*

Report on Skilling and Digital Initiatives Day

*Date: Friday, July 26, 2024

On July 26, 2024, our school celebrated Skilling and Digital Initiatives Day, recognizing the evolving nature of job profiles and the necessity for new skills in today's dynamic world. The day's events were aimed at enhancing students' competencies and preparing them for the future through various engaging and educational activities.

In line with our commitment to fostering a skilled workforce, several activities were organized across different classes:

 Home Science students participated in an interactive session where they learned essential cooking and cleaning skills. The workshop was designed to teach practical life skills through engaging animations and digital storytelling methods.

 Students in Class IX delved into the world of animation and digital storytelling. This activity aimed to enhance their creative and technical skills, providing them with tools to express their ideas effectively. Science teachers conducted a comprehensive First Aid workshop in their respective classrooms. This session equipped students with crucial first aid knowledge and skills, empowering them to respond effectively in emergency situations.

A dedicated workshop on gender sensitisation was held for Class VIII students. This session aimed to promote awareness and understanding of gender issues, fostering a more inclusive and respectful school environment.

The day's events also highlighted the significant role of technology in education. Through various digital initiatives, students were able to enhance their learning experiences and develop a deeper understanding of the subjects.

"Creativity is the key to success in the future, and primary education is where teachers can bring creativity in children at that level." – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Shiksha Saptah: A Celebration of Learning and Growth

*Day 4: Cultural Day (July 25, 2024)*

Shiksha Saptah, a momentous occasion celebrating the importance of education, featured a vibrant Cultural Day on July 25, 2024. This special day was dedicated to enhancing the learning experience through creative and interactive cultural activities such as dance, song, drama, and folk dance.

The Cultural Department teachers across all classes employed a variety of props to make learning both engaging and effective. Music, costumes, and various objects were skillfully integrated into the performances, fostering a vibrant and stimulating environment. Students showcased their talents through beautifully choreographed dances, melodious songs, captivating dramas, and colorful folk dances, reflecting the rich cultural heritage of our country.

Overall, Cultural Day was a resounding success, providing students with a wonderful learning experience and underscoring the importance of creativity in education.

On Day 3 of our Shiksha Saptah celebrations, the focus was on sports and games, highlighting the importance of physical fitness and teamwork in education. The Sports Department conducted a vibrant Sports Day, bringing the entire school community together in a spirit of enthusiasm and healthy competition.

The event saw an impressive participation from our students, with a total of 200 students competing in various traditional and contemporary games. Among the highlights were two traditional Indian games, GUTTE and Nadi Parwat, which brought a nostalgic and cultural touch to the day's activities. GUTTE, a game that tests dexterity and coordination, was a crowd favorite, while Nadi Parwat, involving strategic moves and teamwork, kept both participants and spectators engaged.

Our sports event was more than just a series of competitions; it was a celebration of camaraderie, perseverance, and the joy of playing together. Students displayed remarkable sportsmanship and teamwork, making the event a true embodiment of the Shiksha Saptah spirit.

Through such activities, we aim to instill the values of discipline, teamwork, and resilience in our students, ensuring their holistic development. Today’s sports event was a testament to the vibrant and dynamic environment at our school, where education goes beyond the classroom to encompass all aspects of personal growth and development.

To commemorate the celebration of 4th anniversary of NEP2020, Day 2 was celebrated as FLN day of Shiksha Saptah under the mentorship of Principal ma'am, Ms Nidhi Chaudhary.

Plethora of activities and seminars were conducted throughout the day to create awareness among different stakeholders regarding importance of FLN and to create meaningful and joyful learning environment for children.

Following activities based on FLN were conducted

1) Story telling session by Mrs. Shashi Prabha, grandmother of Suryansh Bhardwaj (I – Sunflowers)

2) Jadui Pitara activities

3) Activities focused on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy skills

4) Maths club activities – Cryptarithms, addition games, arrow cards etc

5) Activities based on literacy skills and language development

6) Toy based learning – Puppet show

7) Art and craft activities – Number doddle, paper folding (BOAT)

8) Screening of FLN Film through given link

9) Taking NIPUN Pledge

10) Reading sessions

11) FLN Mela

12) Cultural activities related to FLN

13) Sharing Best Practices

14) Innovative Teaching Methodologies

15) Panel Discussion

16) Taking of NIPUN pledge

17) Seminar for parents on the role of home support in FLN

 Maths Week Celebration Report

Our school recently celebrated Maths Week,(18 July 2024 to 20 July 2024)culminating in a grand closing ceremony on Pi Approximation Day (July 22nd). The week was filled with a variety of engaging interhouse competitions aimed at fostering a love for mathematics among students.

Activities and Highlights

Class 6:


Class 7 :Math Crunchers Chronicle :"Newspaper Math edition"

Class 8: Cube Craze:"The Rubik's cube challenge"

Class 9 & 10: Sudoku Summit:"The mastermind marathon"

Class 11 & 12: Mathematical Quiz

*Closing Ceremony on Pi Approximation Day:*

The closing ceremony was held on July 22,2024, known as Pi Approximation Day in honor of the mathematical constant π (pi). The event was graced by the presence of our esteemed Principal Ma'am, who played a pivotal role in the celebration.

*Distribution of SilverZone Certificates:*

During the ceremony, Principal Ma'am distributed SilverZone certificates to students who had excelled in silverzone math olympiad in the year 2023-24. These certificates were a testament to the hard work and dedication of our young mathematicians.

*Principal Ma’am's Address:*

Principal ma’am emphasized on the importance of mathematics in our daily lives and future careers. She encouraged students to continue their pursuit of mathematical excellence and expressed her pride in their achievements.

The Maths Week celebration was a resounding success, with students actively participating and enjoying the various activities. It not only enhanced their mathematical skills but also ignited a passion for the subject. We look forward to continuing this tradition in the coming years, fostering a deeper appreciation for mathematics among our students.