‘Leaders are not born but are made by their experiences in life.’

To inculcate the leadership qualities in students and to give them a feel of the functioning of the school administrative body,Primary Department had investiture ceremony with enthusiasm and zeal. This formal ceremony began with the introduction of class prefects. They expressed themselves on the school ideologies they stand for .Class prefects, Head Boy and Head Girl were honoured with badges by the Principal. The student council took the pledge to hold the school motto in high esteem. Our newly elected student council took an oath to be true to their posts and duties assigned to them. They promised that they would carry out their duties with integrity, faith and excellence.
School Principal ,Mrs. Nidhi Chaudhary, stressed on the significance of setting priorities and aiming high. She also talked about the need to become more focused in their goals and to inculcate leadership quality to become a better person in life.
Incharge , Primary Department, Mrs. Vandana Sehgal reminded them that with position comes responsibility towards themselves and towards their school and peers.
Every child who obtained leadership roles felt proud and responsible student. 

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