Dear All,

As Class V students are set to leave primary department and ready to join middle school, special assembly was organized on Feb 28, 2013 where they had glimpse of the journey they had, recalled their time they spent fruitfully that in turn had helped in the development of their personality.
Ilika and Pratik Ganguly (V-B) talked about activities and competitions they participated in, their wins and failures, moments they cherished, values they imbibed.
Agrima (V-C) on behalf of her classmates expressed her heartfelt gratitude to her teachers who had contributed in sparking creativity, laying strong foundation and shaping their personality.
Kathak performance by Saumya and Khushboo (V-A) and Bhartnatyam by Archita (V-B) spell bound everyone. That was their own unique way to thank their teachers for their unconditional support and guidance to strike their goal.
Vibrant Orchestra performance by Class V students marked end of the session.
Mrs. Vandana Sehgal, in-charge, Primary Department gave her blessings to the students and wished them all the very best for their coming future.    

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, Yes I remember my school days when I was passed in fifth class and moving forward to middle school and all the teachers giving us the best wishes for next class.
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