Dear all
Deewali is a festival of light. The light that symbolizes knowledge, understanding and wisdom. The light of wisdom is so powerfully penetrating that it is capable of dispelling the darkness of ignorance, depression and dejection and replacing the same with the brilliance of understanding, fellow-feeling, joviality and mutual caring and sharing. I have never been supportive of mindless bursting of crackers without thinking least about others’ peace of mind or sometimes even ignoring the very existence of other people in our vicinity and causing a serious loss of hearing or aural impairment. Somewhere along the line we have forgotten that true celebration of Deewali will be by bringing happiness in the life of our neighbours, friends, colleagues or fellow human beings. A simple wishing with smile on your lips and twinkle in your eyes may be more rewarding and fulfilling an experience for any one whom you offer the same.
I wish to celebrate Deewali by being with my family and spending with them some uninterrupted moments which today’s highly preoccupying life style has made a rarity. At times, it appears that we are like a straw which is being swept away by an invisible tide of time into the ocean of bottomless depth. Despite all these handicaps we have to prove that we have the determination and the grit to face any challenge that we come across.