Here's wishing you all a VeRy, VeRy HaPpY, jOyOuS aNd PrOsPeRoUs NeW yEaR ! Beauty.. Freshness.. Dreams.. Truth.. Imagination.. Feelings.. Faith.. Trust.. This is the beginning of a new year! New is the year, new are our hopes and the aspirations and new is our resolution. Yes, in this new year, we have resolved to learn and hence spread the real ABC of life. And ABC of life says 'Always Be Connected' !
We know you are amazed at such a resolution. Anyway, let us tell you what exactly we are up to !In simple words, we wish to reaffirm our connections with 'Everybody'. Our Principal sir is very keen to have an 'Alumni Reunion'. And hence, we invite ALL of you to join us in a celebration on Tuesday, 26 January 2010. And by 'ALL', we really mean all of you... all the members of the CRPF Family... all the former teachers, alumni and just everyone who was once associated with the school. Let's come together once again and say cheers to life. Let's steal another reason to smile from our preoccupied lives. It's Party Time, after all.
We will keep you updated about further proceedings. For other details, you may contact us via mail. You may also drop in your queries in the message board on the blog. We will try to entertain them as early as it gets. You may directly contact the school also. You may even contact any of your teachers with whom you have maintained your connections. The idea is just to ALWAYS BE CONNECTED ...
Our e-mail ID:
School's Address: CRPF Public School, Sector-XIV, Rohini, Delhi-110085.
School's Contact Number(s): 27562305
These were the few ways which we could suggest you to re-establish your contacts with us. We would love to receive your suggestions... tell us how else do you want to make connections. You ought not miss this opportunity ! We look forward to meet you soon ...
Be a part of it and you will be never apart !!!
CRPF Public School