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That's all for now ...
CRPF Public School
Dear all
Dear friendsThe common man can now view sharper pictures of any part of the world on their personal computer using satellite images with ISRO today unveiling 'Bhuvan', its version of Google Earth. Minister of State in the PMO Prithviraj Chavan launched the beta version of the Geo-portal at a day-long workshop of the Astronautical Society of India on "21st Century Challenges in Space -- Indian Context."
To read complete article, click here.
Dear All
We wish you all the best. We hope that you do well in your examinations and come off with flying colours...
CRPF Public School
Dear All
Two decades ago, Kathiresan was a driver to A P J Abdul Kalam. Now he is a lecturer in Tamil Nadu. The change is the result of the pep talk he got from the former President.
Kathiresan joined the army in 1979. He was trained as an electrical mechanic in
“I worked as driver for ‘ayya’ (Sir) for five-and-a-half years. He is a very nice person and is responsible for where I am in life today,” Kathiresan said. “I always wanted to finish my studies, which I discontinued after my father’s death. Ayya’s words gave wings to my dreams.”
He studied in the night after his duty hours. “I spent all the salary on studies,” he recalled. After appearing for his Std X exams, Kathiresan finished his BA (History) and MA (History). He left the job in 1996 to pursue higher studies after which he joined the Chief Education Officer’s office in Tirunelveli. He also did his MA (Political Science) and Ph D in History.
On August 6, the 47-yr-old joined as lecturer in
He plans to write again to inform the former President about his new avatar.
Dear all
At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance ... We end today a period of ill fortune, and India discovers herself again ......... Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
This time, we could not provide you any links to know more about it because we believe nobody else can tell us better... We ought to rediscover our own definitions or make new ones to possibly mark the beginning of a new chapter... On that note, Happy Independence Day to all ...
Also, following is what Aakash (E-member) has to share with us :
Click here to read his complete article.
CRPF Public School
Dear all
Good news! Good news! Good news for all of us...Finally, opportunity has knocked our doors, lending us the ears of the officials of CBSE to listen to our opinions. All of us have longed enough to voice our opinions, views, comments and suggestions regarding the critical issue of abolishing Class X Board Examinations. Yes, you got it right...CBSE has taken the initiative on its official website , and is surveying regarding all such Board Examinations-related aspects. It's a very simple and user-friendly way to get one's opinions registered. You just need to click here , fill up the survey form and hence submit it.
We would request all to exercise your rights, avail all such privileges and hence become a part of the change (which is about to take place)! Please, take some time out and do this needful. We are sure, you would not want to become some passive stakeholders of your own lives...
And all those, who are yet to form an opinion, click here to refer to our post regarding This Curious Case Of Class X Boards. We hope this post helps you and the Examination System of our country as a whole. And you know, you can always contact us for any further queries. Our e-mail ID is . We love helping you all ...
CRPF Public School
Hello there
Hello everyone
How are you doing ? We hope that all of you are safe and sound; and free from any kind of sickness in this disease prone environment. And in order to remain so, we would want to share some tips and tricks on how to protect yourself and others from acquiring Influenza A(H1N1) -commonly reported as Swine Flu.
The 2009 swine flu outbreak is an epidemic of a new strain of influenza virus that was clinically identified in April 2009. The virus is species specific and infects pigs, however they do cross barrier of species and transmit to human. Once this happens it easily passes on from one person to the other.
But not to worry. We can still fight this challenge posed on us. We need to Stay Alert and hence prevent it to jump on to another level.
Signs And Symptoms :
Cough, fever, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body ache, headache, chills and fatigue.
Do's and Dont's :
Hello all
Dear all